For Heart Led Business owners who are ready to REVIVE the energy back into herself and her business


Remember why you started your business, why you wanted to share your unique gifts and continue on your purpose filled journey.


Revive the joyful energy you get from making your business a priority.


Reclaim your voice and confidently speak about what you do in alignment with who you are.



You are a motivated passionate woman who deeply yearns to reignite your entrepreneurial spirit...

BUT you don't want to do it alone

You love your family AND you love your work.....

BUT you feel like you don’t have the energy anymore for both

You know the importance of what you have to offer...

BUT you are in direction paralysis not knowing what steps to take next


Your life’s work is worth more than idle websites and passionately created offerings that are never seen or used by others. (Yep I said it) 

No longer is it ok for you to sacrifice your passion or put your desires to the side, just because you are a mum.  

It’s time for a spring clean. To dust off your passions and refresh the energy within yourself and your business because you have important shit to do in the world.

  • When you RECONNECT with WHY you started your business in the first place…..

  • When you start to REKINDLE the energy and love that comes with being in your life’s work…. (think that peace lily that comes back to life with a good jug of water or two!)

  • When you RECOMMIT to showing up for yourself and your business…


Your business becomes less about feeling stretched and overwhelmed, time poor and getting lost in the daily grind and more about waking up with a renewed sense of purpose,  A space for your creative desires and a clear direction forward as you deliver your hearts work.

Life becomes fun, magical even, as you allow yourself to reclaim the best parts of you, creating a positive impact in the world.


  • You could revive the fun and magic of your business and feel excited again about your creative passions and how they can make an impact in the world.

  • You had a supportive community space to talk ‘real speak’, and also provided you with the tools, resources, and camaraderie you need to take care of yourself while running your successful business.

  • What if you could get that, ‘not so subtle’ kick up the bum you need to get forward moving momentum and a clear direction for how to clearly communicate your heart’s work.


'Real' women who want their work and family life to feel purposeful, passion filled AAAAND grounded without abandoning yourself in the process.

Women who know the value of being in community with like minded heart led passionate women, the conversations that lead to greater understanding of self and others and of course the cheer leading to keep them track & in momentum

And together these women can support each other to get back onto the top of their list, reclaiming themselves

Does this sound like the right place for you?

If it’s a YES, then wonderful!

So which journey are you ready to choose?

1: You could continue on in the busy mum role, as you tirelessly work through your self created endless to do lists., ignoring your passions.


2: You can reach out,  reclaim your passion,  dust it off and breathe new life into your heart’s creation.

BOTH are an active choice.

And the thing is……..

You don’t want to wait until your kids have left the nest, your passions have gathered so much dust on the shelf that you are not even sure you can bring them back to life, and your dreams have become like total strangers.  

We'd love for you to join us in REVIVE AS ONE OF OUR JOURNEY WOMEN so that  your vibrant story of dreams isn’t reduced to an epic tale that becomes a doorstop that holds open the kitchen door.

'REVIVE' is for women who...

  • Are you ready to reignite their entrepreneurial spirit

  • Are hungry for clarity and a restored sense of energy and excitement in their joy infused business

  • Have been craving a more strategic approach to building their business. 

  • Want to be present for the moments that matter most in their family

  • Want to invite in a feminine (gentle yet strong) energy into the way you are ‘being’ in your business.

  • Recognise that this isn’t an overnight quick fix so you’re prepared to dig in and do the work. 

  • Understand that it is their actions that bring about change in their life.

  • Are ready to ‘hang out’ in a space with other epic inspired business Mum’s.

'REVIVE' is NOT for those who

  • Want their business to remain as a hobby

  • Are looking for a quick fix to a happier life

  • Are not ready for an honest but loving kick up the bum

  • Not ready to priorities your business in your week

If you’re like us, you’ve scanned down the page wondering what bang you get for your buck.

Well we are here to let you know, it's not just a course, it's not just a women's circle and it's not just a coaching space


So it's sounding pretty juicy... but you are a details person, right!

We fully believe that we need a new way of doing business – one that allows us to create businesses that are emotionally and energetically sustainable. So that your business can be a gorgeous extension of yourself.

We also believe that when we find our perfect way of expressing ourselves in the world, we thrive – as does our business.For the first time we are bringing all of our life and biz knowledge together into this one space.

It'll look a little like this

A commitment ceremony (welcome and promise to yourself) with your new journey women

9 x 1.5 hr live intimate group coaching sessions with both Nat and Mel, taking you through the journey towards reviving the love and energy within yourself and your heart led business…..

With weekly workbook and creative playtime (homework) to keep you on task


Art Immersion 

BONUS: Access to our self development soul presence journey taking you through the heart stages and 12 self care/exploration themes to allow you time for you, to explore and reclaim the best version of yourself…  a journey towards heart centered living

REVIVE will run over a term and begins Early October 2024

By the end of 'REVIVE' you'll have a new sense of energy within yourself and your business


A clear one liner for your offering that you can share anywhere to spark the conversations.

A clear purpose, why and mission statement

A clear weekly schedule for both business and family

A set of business values which will guide your decisions and intentional choices

Clarity and language to use in your content creation, to attract and connect with your soul mate clients

Your "Story"to powerfully connect with your soul mate client

An understanding of the "Voice" of your business brand

A Strategic Action Plan to support clear next steps in your business

A tool box of tips to keep your business sustainable from well being habits, creative expression exercises and

Inspiration on the value of celebrating your achievements!


A Clear, Authentic Message That Resonates With Your Soul Mate Clients

You’ll know how to write and talk about what you do with clarity and confidence so that you’ll never have that tongue-tied feeling again when someone asks ‘what do you do?’

Constant Support

You’ll never feel on your own. You’ll not only have a coach to support you but a community of fellow travellers.. No pressure, just gentle yet strong guidance and support

An Aligned forward moving momentum plan… sustainable business and life plan

That feels expansive, authentic and YOU – so that you can start making consistent steps forward without it being such a struggle. 

A Personalised Action & Growth Plan

To Guide You Through The Next Year (And Beyond)

Your Support Squad

A gorgeous network of fellow travellers to help you along the way – they’ll cheer you on, talk you down off the occasional ledge and help you stay consistent in your efforts.

Growth Self-Confidence, Belief & Enjoyment

Business growth is personal growth. So this program 'REVIVE' will also provide you with additional tools and space to work on your self-belief, build your confidence and resilience. 

Hello! I'm Nat & I'm Mel

We are two Biz Mumma's from Ocean Grove, Australia that unintentionally found ourselves last on our list. After living by the, 'myth of what makes a wonderful mother', countless sacrifices, sleepless nights, mental load, invisible work and constant giving and caring for others, all whilst juggling our heart led business spaces, we both lost ourselves, abandoned our needs and tilted out of balance. We had lost the energy for the things we loved. Heck, we even realised we hadn't revisited our passions and the things that light us up for a very long time... there they were gathering dust.

Something had to change.... We created spaciousness, we regained clarity. Our energy began to revive, both within ourselves and our heart led businesses. We learnt to listen in and intentionally make choices based on our deepest values.... and now there is harmony. A life filled with all the good stuff.

We are not perfect, we haven't got it figured out but we know we have something special to share that can really make positive impact in your life.

We are now a YES for a life that is full of Spicy Yes's, Heart Centred Approaches, Epic Women, Inspiring Connections and Flow.

Our hearts have led us to here! We bring you REVIVE!

OH and just in case you are one that makes your decision on experience, not just felt vibes, I will let you know we do know our stuff, bringing to REVIVE our experience and qualifications in Business Coaching, Podcasting, Creative Mentoring, Primary teaching, NLP, Breath work, Business Branding, Design, Holistic Creative arts therapy & of course Parenting.


This is not just a course

This is not just a women's circle

This is not just group coaching and creative mentoring

This is all 3


We focus on what works. We are all about time efficiency as we understand how precious time is. Big dreams and ideas are balanced with practical strategies to make them happen. Building a sustainable business takes more than having a high vibe and a positive outlook.

Safe and Supportive

We don’t believe you need to leap and hope the universe will catch you. Here you’ll take things step by step, at your own pace. We truly care... we have got you.

Future Proof

The skills you’ll learn in this program will last with you for the life of your business (and will still apply to any future businesses you may start!) Things like self explorations, holistic approaches to business,  clarity on voice authentic marketing are ones you’ll turn to again and again.


An inspired heart led woman creates SOUL PRESENCE wherever she goes and together with her ‘Journey Women’ she will create a ripple effect of magic, sprinkling that shit everywhere. 


Soul presence has really helped me take a pause and I'd say to anyone considering to "absolutely go for it!" You can put in as much or as little as you want to put in, its designed in a way that there is no pressure, however the more you put in, I feel the more you get out of it. To be able to be heard and know you are being seen is so empowering. Its reminded me that "I matter" -Catherine

"If you are considering "Soul Presence", if it feels like this opportunity is pulling you towards or calling you in, take it, run with it because you don't have to do it alone. There are other women feeling exactly the same way and we all need support. This sort of space is necessary... the world needs more of it and if you can access it, take it" -Alexa

I crave spaces like 'Soul Presence". A space to connect with other women. A space where I know I can be heard and supported by other women who are there for the same reasons, and understand what I'm going through... and lean on for support which is priceless really. It has allowed me a safe space to open up, shed some layers and create space for other things to come through. It's been a journey of self discovery i've gotten to know myself on a deeper level and becoming more aware has helped me be kinder to myself in this juggle of life. - Alexa

I've never been part of anything like this. I don't usually give myself enough space to talk about things and reflect. It's been so special because it is something just for me. A lot of my progression and personal growth has come from this 'Soul Presence' space. I especially love the live cuppa and chats and being able to listen to other's stories and input from a different perspective, in turn helping me see my own things from a different perspective. It's truly lovely to feel that you are not just having other people help you, but you are in turn contributing and able to help other women also.- Catherine

I felt supported and nurtured by Mel and Nat. I felt held and safe in their presence. Never was their a hint of Judgment or criticism in anything that I brought up. They are both beautiful human beings - Kerry

I really enjoyed being in both Nat and Mels energy. Nat is so authentic, vibrant, charismatic. Mel is warm, gentle, kind and incredibly intuitive and observant. Like a beautiful Mum Hug - Trish

I love Mel and Nats countless hours holding space, speaking truth, enabling and empowering women to open up, speak up and heal. Very Powerful. - Tamara

Grab your Keys and Go PODCAST


Join us as we have relatable and entertaining conversations that will support women to use their gaps of space intentionally, to embrace self care, conquer unnecessary guilt and rediscover what lights them up, in turn living a life more passionately.

Here we will have some fun helping you brush the dust of your passions and help you revive the energy within yourself and your businesses. Allowing a more holistic approach guide our new way of living life.

"She heard the whispers of something awaken inside her, and she knew that she could no longer keep quiet, her heart wanted more for her and it was time to move into alignment with her highest expression, creativity and truth 

She packed her courage and stood her ground and was now unshakable in her belief that

she was worthy of a life of magic.

And she knew that the only person who could give her that...was herself"


- Soul Presence -

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